It feels like this week has been a year long.  It’s so tempting to hunker down and retreat. To contract. But I wonder if it is really a time to open up and expand.

When we hunker down, we protect ourselves but we also lose connection, lose support, and lose the opportunity to support others.

I don’t know about you, but when I hunker down, I also ruminate. I get stuck in my head. Opening up and staying connected shifts my focus away from the angst in my head.

While we are stuck (or maybe just safe) in our homes, we can still connect. And I don’t mean just Facebook.

We can:

– call friends to check in on them or share our frustration or recipes 

– watch a movie with a friend from our separate homes

– take a class with friends (or strangers)

– play online games from scrabble to Fortnite

– write old fashioned letters and notes

What else? How can you stay open while you stay at home?

One more thing you can do is join me on zoom every Monday at noon. Want to join us? Just hit reply to this email and I’ll send you the link. 

Stay home, stay open, and stay well, and listen to good tunes. Here is my at-home playlist
