What if we bring serious play to solving important problems? We tend to think that play is kid’s stuff, not useful for adult problem solving. Instead we work really hard to identify a solution. And all too often settle for and commit to the first right answer. Then we start chasing that path and forget what we were trying to solve in the first place.
What if there is another way? What if there is more than one right answer? What if we can build our problem-solving ability through play?
I think about the Apollo 13 astronauts. How did they come up with the idea to use a sock for an air filter? Without it, they would have died. Now, I suspect they figured that out in tests before they were in space but who knows? What other problems could be solved with creativity and play?
I want to start a movement where we use creativity and play to solve complex and serious problems. What if we could change how people approach things? To get in the habit, for the next 21 days, I’ll be asking a question like many above, starting with “What If. ” If you follow us and the question moves you, I’d love if you’d like it, share it and let us know.
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