3 Tips Thursday – Before Shopping

by Julie Jakopic  - November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving. While the history is challenging, the modern purpose of a day to be thankful is a special opportunity to focus on what’s right in our lives.

Tip 1. Be thankful for what you have. While we are about to head into the season of acquiring stuff, it’s really helpful to remember what we have – our homes, our jobs, our stuff. Yes, it helps us from adding to it, but it also reminds us of what’s good. Most of us will be safe and fed today. That is more than millions around the world.

Tip 2. Be thankful for the people that love and or have loved you. A good reminder that we matter. Just as we are. Not when we get promoted, or lose weight or have kids or or or.

Tip 3. Be thankful for you. You are a unique being, with skills and talents and perspectives all your own. The world needs all of us unique beings to function. It is made up of all of us.

Plus, I am. Thankful for you. For what you teach me. For reading and sharing these missives. For your responses. For your leadership in your world. Together we make it a better place.

I wish you and yours a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving.



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