Get What You Want…Be You

by Julie Jakopic  - December 11, 2020

I don’t know about you, but I have a bunch of habits that kinda work for me, but don’t fit the rules that are supposed to be better. I have what some would say are terrible study/writing habits. I like to stay up late, with music or video playing in the background as I am writing. Usually with some not so healthy snack.

Not exactly the library conditions usually recommended.

When I was working on my master’s thesis and couldn’t get it done, I planned a week away from the noise at a friend’s beach house. I bought and prepared my food before I left so I wouldn’t be distracted by anything. 

I arrived at the house and set up my laptop and stared at the screen in silence. And I had nothing. Nothing to say, nothing to write. I had a snack and sat again.

Nothing. I wrote about how frustrating it was to not write, but made no progress on the paper. Then I got the worst migraine ever. I took my meds and went to sleep.

When I awoke, I packed up and went home. I realized my supposedly bad habits work for me. And the “right” way was a flop. If those habits got me all the way through to grad school, they would get me through this paper. I just needed to be me. I finished my thesis and was awarded my degree. 

This week’s tip for getting what you want is to be you. Do what works for you.  

Have a great week,



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