LEAD BOLDLY: Asking for a friend

by Julie Jakopic  - March 19, 2024

People used to say that I didn’t ask for much.

They were right. And that was the problem.

When you don’t ask

  • You miss opportunities
  • You spend your time on things others might be willing to do and do better, freeing you up to do what you are best at
  • You end up feeling overwhelmed and undervalued

When you don’t ask, the answer is already “no.” When you do ask, you might just get a yes. You dramatically increase your odds of receiving support, stuff, space, time, and, and, and.

Where can you ask more often? If it seems hard, start with small stuff. Change the salad dressing on your salad order, ask for an upgrade, ask for more a little more time. Ask at least once a day and keep track of what happens so you don’t miss the secret. That is it gets easier to ask, and that when people can, most of the time they will.

Let me know how this goes for you.

To your best life,



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