LEAD BOLDLY: Sh(*&T Happens

by Julie Jakopic  - August 8, 2024

I used to think that every time something special happened, something ruined it. My husband nearly missed our wedding over a car problem. For many years, my one line description to describe my chaotic family was that my mother called me on my wedding night because my brother stole her silver. True story usually told with humor.

I get that I have a wildly intense family and it was often a family incident. So, for me, the stories are often dramatic and memorable. But I know I am not the only one with stories of big positive events coupled with a difficult or painful experience. The traffic ticket on the way to a wedding, the rainy mess on a graduation day, the spilled coffee on the white blouse you love on your way to an important meeting.

But here’s the thing. The stupid negative stuff happens, mostly accidentally. The good things they interrupt are almost always achievements, long sought after events, not accidents. So we can feel like good stuff is ruined by bad stuff or we can see the stupid stuff as just that and the good stuff as the good it is.

Have a great week,


What I’m learning this week: This week I’m loving a podcast, Hidden Brain with host Shankar Vedantam, author of the book by the same name. It focuses on how the brain works and how it can influence us without our awareness. It explains so many things we might suspect and a bunch we don’t always.

P.S. Have feedback on anything in this newsletter? I take compliments and complaints! You can reply or DM me on Facebook or LinkedIn! What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let me hear them!

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