LEAD BOLDLY: It’s half gone

by Julie Jakopic  - July 3, 2024

Yup. Monday marked the first day of the second half of 2024.

What did you want from this year? Where are you in making it happen?

I wanted to make sure that all nearly 30 members of my team was employed after our big project ended on June 9th and they are. I am so proud of them and their work. 

I also wanted to build a new clearer website, finish my book, take Jayce to California, start a new smaller project, make some art, and a bunch of other things. 

So far, I cleaned out two big closets and my office from 3 years of neglect, reconnected with a bunch of friends, and took Jayce to CA (see the photo below). Not a bad restart, but lots more to go.  

I started this week recommitting to a set of morning habits including moving, getting clear on what’s next, and working on a website. 

I’m also adding a feature to this newsletter. Each week, I’ll share something about what I’m learning – books, podcasts, TED talks, playlists, who knows. Let me know what you think.

Now, enough about me. What about you? Where are you in your 2024 plan? What is next?



What I’m learning this week: I’ve been following Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American free on Substack and finally got her book, Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America. It is a great perspective on this country we love and celebrate this week.

P.S. Have feedback on anything in this newsletter? I take compliments and complaints! You can reply or DM me on Facebook or LinkedIn! What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let me hear them!

LEAD BOLDLY: Sh(*&T Happens

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