LEAD BOLDLY: Stop Talking

by Julie Jakopic  - June 12, 2024

Not really, at least not in general. But when you get the answer you are looking for stop, say thank you, and move on.

I was hoping a board I used to work for would make an investment in the professional development of a team member. I prepared for the meeting, had all the benefits laid out, and was ready for objections. I presented the idea. They agreed.

But I hadn’t explained everything and by the time I was done, I had talked them out of it. They hadn’t objected but once I explained the objections I’d expected and was prepared for, they disagreed and pulled back. 

I’d wanted for them to not just say yes, but to understand all the things. It wasn’t necessary and it made them suspicious. 

In other settings, I’ve seen boards make the right decision, for the wrong reasons and leaders keep arguing over the reasons and lose the decision. 

When you get the answer you want, say thank you and stop. 

Have a great week,


LEAD BOLDLY: They called who what?

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