LEAD BOLDLY: Super Vision

by Julie Jakopic  - April 17, 2024

Whether it’s getting a kid to do the dishes at home or a team to build a project at work, leaders are in the business of getting other people to do stuff.

And part of that involves some level of oversight. Of supervision. Or as I’d like to think about it “super vision.” The vision that allows you to anticipate the outcome and be ready for likely challenges but only to step in if needed. To envision where they might get stuck, make a plan for it, and then watch. Hopefully, that’s it. You don’t have to do anything with that plan. But if things go a little wonky, you will be ready to help as if you had planned to all along. As if you had super vision.

So much of leading is really being ready for things in ways no one ever needs to know about and being there if they do.

To your best life,


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