What will you do with your 179 days?

by Julie Jakopic  - July 6, 2023

That’s it. Then 2023 will be done. Where will you be? Is it where you want? Is it where you left off in 2022? Somewhere in between.

I don’t know about you but this year has been filled with starts and stops and do-overs. But we still have half left. Where do you want to be? What can you do to get there? Here are three tips to make it so.

  1. Get clear. Exactly what do you want to do, be, or have by December 31, 2023?
  2. Look at it from both directions – What are three things that have to happen to make it true? What are three small things you can do this week?
  3. Start. Climbing mountains starts with a single step, repeated.

Have a great week – yes I am getting back to it.


P.S. I’d still love to hear from you about what you want to learn and how you want to receive it. Please take a minute to answer just three questions.

I’ll share the results on July 20th.

Step into the Heat

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