What We Think

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Fill up often.

– Julie Jakopic

What We Think

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Fill up often.

– Julie Jakopic

Lead Boldly Blog



If you are like me, left to your own devices, you finish one big project and move on to the next. Continuously expecting excellence and measuring yourself against perfection. After all, you expected success. Getting it was normal, not special. And over time, all of...

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LEAD BOLDLY: Asking for a friend

LEAD BOLDLY: Asking for a friend

People used to say that I didn’t ask for much. They were right. And that was the problem. When you don’t ask You miss opportunities You spend your time on things others might be willing to do and do better, freeing you up to do what you are best at You end up feeling...

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No one has it all together. No one does it alone. Not a single person does. Not you. Not me. It is about resilience and a team. Resilience to solve problems quickly and move on and people you can count on when it goes awry. Amongst the total mess of things that I’ve...

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Never enough

Never enough

It’s always been true. There have always been 24 hours in a day. And for some reason, there’s never been enough time. We always wanted more. That’s why we drive cars instead of ride horses. That’s why we send email instead of snail mail. That’s why we have phones, and...

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No resolutions yet please

No resolutions yet please

Really. Before you put lose weight, save money, work less and read more books on your list for the umpteenth year, stop and answer a few questions. What am I proud of from this year? What did I learn about me and anything else this year? What do I want more of next...

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There’s always more

There’s always more

I met my friend Kelly for happy hour a few weeks ago. We ordered some amazing jumbo shrimp as an appetizer with our cocktails. The order had 5 shrimp. I gave Kelly 2, took 2 and then started to struggle to unshell the third to cut it in half. She looked at me...

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What was Fun?

What was Fun?

That's a question I'm starting to ask every day. “What was fun today?” In my business, summer is crazy time. We have all the normal things to do and all the proposals to write for the future work. Meanwhile family wants to play, kids are out of school and so you want...

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What’s Next?

What’s Next?

That is what I am trying to decide. And I need 2 minutes or less of your time to help. I have quick survey for you. If you have followed me for a while, you know I wrote a weekly blog about problem-solving, self-discovery, communication, and leadership for four years....

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